Two men sitting on a log in front of mounted deer antlers by a campfire, in black and white.

Persistence is a virtue.

Patience is a behaviour learnt through failure.

Nature, Hunting Matt Moss Nature, Hunting Matt Moss

Why manage wild deer?

The management of wild deer by has become a necessity due to primary influencing factors created by the expanse and development of modern humans. These primary factors are; Significant loss of habitat, rapid expansion in agriculture, extinction of natural predators and the introduction of non-native deer species.

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Nature, Wildfood Matt Moss Nature, Wildfood Matt Moss

Wild Garlic Butter

Wild Garlic Allium ursinum is part of the Allium family and is related to the domestic garlic you find in any supermarket. Wild Garlic is an edible plant that is found in ancient woodland, predominately in wetter areas. 

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