Two men sitting on a log in front of mounted deer antlers by a campfire, in black and white.

Persistence is a virtue.

Patience is a behaviour learnt through failure.

Wildfood Matt Moss Wildfood Matt Moss

Rabbit Terrine - An ancient game recipe

There is nothing better than a terrine to take the senses back to the roots of ancient game recipes. A terrine is both the name of the earthenware dish and the food that is cooked and served in this dish. This chunky and textured dish is both strong in flavour and filling to the stomach.

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Matt Moss Matt Moss

Vegetation impacts specific to UK native and non native deer species

I find that one of the most fascinating aspects of mammal evolution and ecology is the tell tale signs or signatures that mammals leave behind in the areas in which they frequent. Whether you are a hunter, conservationist, ecologist, budding naturalist or all of the above, these tell tale animal signs can not only be fascinating to find and observe but they can also play a major part in hunting success or information needed for conservation work.

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Wildfood Matt Moss Wildfood Matt Moss

Venison Terrine - A recipe for the refined hunter

There is nothing better than a terrine to take the senses back to the roots of ancient game recipes. A terrine is both the name of the earthenware dish and the food that is cooked and served in this dish. This chunky and textured dish is both strong in flavour and filling to the stomach.

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Wildfood Matt Moss Wildfood Matt Moss

Venison Heart - The Deer Hunters Breakfast

Venison heart maybe one of the most overlooked parts of the animal and to many a mindful hunter is one of the most savoured parts. To those who prepare and eat the heart, they are not only tasting one of natures delicacies, they are celebrating the life of the animal and the energy passed on.

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Wildfood Matt Moss Wildfood Matt Moss

Roast Haunch of Venison on the Bone

I get asked from time to time how to cook a haunch of venison and I always get the feeling that the enquirer feels that there is some kind of mystery behind this method. The majority of people asking this seem to have acquired this large and sometimes over bearing cut of meat from a charitable deer stalker or hunter. Cooking a venison haunch is pretty straight forward, there are just a few simple rules and if you follow these you will end up with the most magnificent of feasts. Remember, this is quite a tender area of the animal and requires less cooking time than you would think at a reasonably high temperature. 

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Nature, Hunting Matt Moss Nature, Hunting Matt Moss

Why manage wild deer?

The management of wild deer by has become a necessity due to primary influencing factors created by the expanse and development of modern humans. These primary factors are; Significant loss of habitat, rapid expansion in agriculture, extinction of natural predators and the introduction of non-native deer species.

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